I know I’m not alone when I say that the Starbucks “Medicine Ball” (AKA, Jade Citrus Mint Tea – a major cold kicker!) is delicious and helps so much when battling a cold/flu! Those $4 drinks sure add up though, so I am excited to share a homemade medicine ball recipe that uses essentially the same ingredients, tastes the exact same and will save you SO. MUCH. MONEY! And you can have as many as you want, as often as you want without leaving your house. π

All 4 ingredients can be purchased via Amazon Prime, score! But you should also be able to find these ingredients at your local grocery store.
- Teavanna Tea Jade Citrus Mint & Peach Tranquility (available to purchase together as a set, or can be purchased separately): 1 tea bag each
- Lemonade, squeeze of real lemon or Crystal Light Lemonade: One packet of Crystal Light & water bottle full will be good for 3-4 medicine ball drinks! Store extra in the fridge until ready to use. *Update: Real lemon or lemonade has added Vitamin C, which is a better option for colds.
- Raw honey (optional): A key ingredient to help sooth sore throats and rich in antioxidants, but you can skip it if you prefer
- Water!
- This recipe calls for 1/3 lemonade and 2/3 water. You can choose to put the plain water in the tea kettle and combine with the lemonade, or heat the water & lemonade together in the microwave
- Add 1 tea bag each of the Jade Citrus Mint Tea and Peach Tranquility Tea and steep
- Stir in desired amount of honey – I go for about 1/2 tbsp
- Enjoy!
So, so easy, affordable and delicious! Hope this saves you some trips to Starbucks. π