We officially have a toddler on our hands! Keldon turned 1 year old on January 24th last month, which makes me about 1 month overdue for a one year update, but it’s here! These Keldon updates are one of the most viewed posts on my blog, so I’m really happy that you guys enjoy them and are able to use them as a resource – not that I’m an expert or anything, but just happy to share where we are currently at with milestones and what Keldon is currently loving!
1 year updates and milestones:
- 1st birthday party was a success! Theme was “Wild One”, which was fitting for our wild one. 🙂 It went by so fast though! If you have help, don’t be afraid to as for it (especially to capture photos!)
- He drinks milk! The week Keldon turned 1, we started doing 2 bottles of formula a day and introduced milk in between (we use Horizon Organic Whole Milk with DHA Omega-3). He transitioned pretty seamlessly, honestly. After he turned 1 and our last bit of formula, we dropped both bottles and switched to milk completely.
- Weened off bottles! We are currently using a couple of random sippy cups for milk – this one and this one. For water, he uses this one or this one.
- He learned how to drink out of a straw just recently – like a couple of weeks ago! I was drinking a smoothie with a big silicone straw and let him try (while there was still smoothie left in the straw) – I think him being able to slightly taste the smoothie in the straw is what triggered him to think to try and suck it out… we gave him his straw sippy with water after that and got it right away!! This was after multiple tries with the straw cup, so we are happy that he caught on!
- Starting to walk!! He’s taken many steps without support and has kept standing after said steps, but we really have to urge him to walk on his own without support. On his own, he will just choose to crawl since he gets to his destination faster that way haha. Still a work in progress! He walks holding onto furniture and sits to stand all the time though.
- Showing more of his sense of humor everyday. 🙂 He’s going to be a goof ball just like his mama and dada!
- Had his first stomach flu this week… boy, that is NO fun! He’s had a high fever flu previously, but this was this first time he’s vomited. It was the saddest thing since he didn’t know what was going on and we could just tell he felt rotten. Thank goodness the vomiting only lasted about 6 hours.
- Loves books! Not only does he love story time, but he often will grab books and open them up and look at them… Cutest ever!
- Wants to get into anything and everything that isn’t a toy, especially kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, Bruce’s cabinet in our entryway, the TV console (there’s a very special big button he loves to press that reboots the TV), remotes, etc! We will get child locks for our cabinets once we move next week for sure!!
- Getting testy and definitely turning into a toddler… when we try to say no or redirect, he wants to do it even more and will sometimes stare at us while he does what we just tried to avoid him doing. And definitely throwing little tantrums here and there. Haha, hereeee we go, right?!
- He doesn’t have a ton of words yet, but mumumum (me), baba (his bottle, which is technically now his sippy), “Bbbb!” (Bruce), and has said “dada” before but hasn’t said it in a while lol I feel like he goes through phases saying it. He is great at understanding us though even though he doesn’t have a super strong vocabulary right now! I asked him “can I see it?” to a toy he was holding the other day and he gave it to me even though I wasn’t holding my hand out. And I will also say “daddy’s home!” and he will look and crawl towards the garage door, if we say “where’s Bruce?” he will also look for him, and “chew it up” with his food, among many other things.
- Loves seeing other kids!! It’s his favorite. I can’t wait until winter is over so we can get out of the house a little more and interact with other littles!
- Keldon is SUCH a big eater! He loves to eat, and lots of it, haha. Most recently, he’s been more into foods with more texture (vs. his purees). His favorite foods are pretty much anything lol, but he’s especially fond of:
- Nurture Life meals – his favorites are the pasta fagioli, egg bite sausage + sweet potato, carrot raisin + cinnamon orange butternut squash, salmon cake English pea + potato, and beef meatloaf broccoli + butternut squash). We no longer order Little Spoon, only Nurture Life.
- Pasta (regular noodles or spaghetti squash noodles) with tomato sauce
- Hard boiled eggs and scrambled eggs
- Baked chicken breast
- Waffles / pancakes, one of Keldon’s all time favorite foods
- Mac and cheese (Annie’s is our go-to haha)
- Ground turkey
- Toast with peanut butter
- Butternut squash
- Sweet potatoes and russet potatoes
- Black olives (sliced – Target has organic ones in a pack that are super handy)
- Tomatoes (random, but he loves them)
- Fruit (bananas *favorite*, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, pears)
- Oatmeal
- Superfood bars HappyTots)

Bugaboo Lynx Complete Stroller

Patagonia Bunting (code STYLEDPRESS15 for 15% off) | Sled

Babybjorn One Air (in Midnight Florals)

Current Schedule:
- 7:30AM: Wake up and get dressed for the day (we transitioned his wake up and bedtime to 7:30-7:30 so Tom could spend more time with him in the evening during the week and so I could get a little more time to myself in the morning
- 7:40AM: 5oz of milk out of sippy cup
- 7:45: Play time – Keldon loves listening to music (especially the Kiboomers and Disney songs), so we will usually play music and dance throughout the day and during play
- 8/8:15: Breakfast – our go-to breakfasts are waffles, overnight oats, oatmeal, toast, eggs, yogurt & fruit, banana + HappyTot bar with water
- 8:30/8:45: Play time and/or errands, going on a walk
- 10/10:30: Nap time – he will typically have a later nap if we are out or we are with company
- 11:15/11:30/12: Wake – the time depends on when he goes down for this nap (if we are out, he’s usually sleeping until noon). We shoot for at least an hour nap!
- 11:30/12: Wake, 4oz of milk
- 12:15: Lunch (see above for lunch ideas)
- 12:30/12:45: Play time and/or errands, going on a walk
- 1:45: Snack
- 2/2:30: Nap – we have tried skipping this nap a few times to transition to 1 nap, but we notice that Keldon thrives on 2 shorter naps right now
- 4: Wake, 4oz of milk
- 4:05: Play time and/or errands, going on a walk
- 4:30: Snack
- 5:30/6: Dinner
- 6:15: Play time
- 6:45: Bath time (Keldon gets a bath every other night)
- 7:15: Read stories together and quiet play
- 7:30: Bedtime
For those wondering about Keldon’s care, I typically receive help from Raini (my part-time Nanny and personal assistant) 3 days a week from 9-2, and my mother in law Linda 1 day a week for a full work day.

Keldon’s current favorite toys/activities:

Book | Kale onesie is from Monica + Andy (sold out)

Denim shirt + tee set | Joggers | Vans (he wears 3.5 with some room to grow)

This is great! Do you find both milk cups to be spill proof? My little guy loves to “chug” out of his water cup, which inevitably means he ends up with water everywhere! I’d hate to have that happen with milk, so I’m really researching to find a great cup!
Hi Amy,
Thank you for your comment! We haven’t experienced this with Keldon, but I think the straw sippy I used might be a great option if you haven’t tried it! Perhaps the flow is a little too fast if water is going everywhere – good luck!! 🙂
Love this post!! What high chair do you recommend?! I need to add one to my registry!!
Hi Morgan! Thank you 🙂 We have the Peg Perego highchair. It’s nice quality and works great, but it can be a pain to clean sometimes since the leather has so many folds! It’s a great highchair though! I think IKEA has a really great option that’s easier to clean!