“Trying to decide on a honeymoon location, any suggestions of favorite travel places?” We honeymooned at Couples Swept Away in Negril, Jamaica and loved it! All inclusive and it was lots of fun. We hope to go back someday, maybe for our 10 year anniversary. We also took a friends trip to Oahu, Hawaii and that would be another romantic spot for a honeymoon!
“When do you generally take all of your pictures?” I use to schedule days 1x a week to shoot a bunch of outfit pics but those days are over (and I’m not complaining – hated changing in the car 🤣) and now I share outfit pics in real time/as I’m wearing them. I use to post 2x a day in my feed which is why I would take so many and now I post only 4-5x a week. If I have campaigns to shoot for, I will typically shoot them 1-3 days before if not the same day, usually on Wednesday’s when we have help with Keldon.
“Are you constantly buying things to show on your feed?” Not as much as I use to, but still do. I place “haul” orders for try ons and things I plan to share probably once a week or once every 2 weeks – but really depends on the season and what sales are happening. It’s part of my job I really enjoy though. I love fashion and putting outfits together. I’m constantly refreshing my closet so I can share things with you guys so you can rock them too!
“What are you most looking forward to this summer?” The warm weather, sunshine, lake life, and meeting my new baby boy (and watching Keldon become a big brother) 💙
“Favorite pacifiers you used with Keldon and plan to with new baby?” WubbaNub! Keldon stopped using a paci at 3.5 months. We tried several other packs and he wasn’t into them. Every baby will be different on this though, same goes for bottles!
“Where do you buy toddler pajamas that aren’t so snug fit?” All of Keldon’s jammies are either from Old Navy, Target, or Carters!
“Tips on purging and refreshing a closet?” Part with anything you haven’t worn in a year or things you save ‘just in case’ – they won’t get worn now or ever lol. Some people have a hard time getting rid of clothes because they feel bad or attach emotion tot hem. Think of it as giving them to someone who will get more wear out of them! Recognize what you like to wear most and stick to buying those types of clothes when you refresh your closet. For me, it’s a neutral color palette. If I buy something colorful or bold, I will wear it maybe once and likely never again. Also, part with anything that doesn’t make you feel good or comfortable in. If you are saving things that don’t fit until you lose weight, I would part with those too.
“Any important steps when you first started blogging? Tips?” Be consistent and post often. Go all in. Don’t expect growth overnight (or tons of growth even after 1 year). Be your true + authentic self. Stand out! Offer fresh and unique content. Expect to dedicate most of your free time on it (but you will want to if you’re passionate about it) ❤️ Do it because you love what you are sharing, not because you want free stuff and want to work from home. Expect to learn a lot as you go – there is no handbook and I googled a lot; there are way more resources out there now. Don’t be afraid of getting on video/stories; it’s awkward at first but that’s how people will connect with you most.
“What is your favorite Rebecca Minkoff bag/purse?” Bree belt bag (hoping they will bring it back – it’s sold out) 🥺. I also love the Edie shoulder flap bags!
“What is the name of that laundry detergent you use that smells amazing?” Glamorous Wash! A little goes a long way- it’s seriously the best! Any girlfriend or family member that I give my clothes to will ask me what laundry detergent I use. I will add a splash with our unscented detergent pods from dropps. This is the huge jug, but they have a smaller size too if you want to just try it out. It lasts forever!
“Do you pray? Have you ever thought of evangelizing to your followers?” Yes, I pray and am a Christian. I occasionally share devotionals, verses, and anything else I feel is encouraging! Always counting my blessings!
“Do you have a baby name picked out?” We do! We will be keeping it a secret until he’s here. Sorry to be annoying! 🤪
“What are your favorite toys for Keldon?” Most of the toys I linked from his 21 month update are still favorites. Top 5 I would say are Lovevery boxes, his kitchen, Lovevery block set, the ride on Jeep, and Magnatiles!
“I’ve always been curious if brands ask influencers to post about specific products on certain days?” Usually you get to schedule the date to post but most of the time they give you a time frame for the campaign and you would pick within that time frame (typically within the month or week). Unless there is a sale they want help promoting for one day, then you may be required to post on that certain day.
“How to get the perfect mirror selfie?” I have a few different ways but my go to is looking at my phone and holding it on my right cheek (kinda) and popping on leg out. Sometimes I’ll cover my face to get a better look at the full outfit too and people can focus more on the outfit/visualize themselves in it.
“Are you still doing lash lifts? How often do you getting them done?” I want to go again so bad! My lashes are long, but straight so I’m due to go. There are varying opinions on doing while pregnant, which is why I haven’t yet. I’d usually go every 8 weeks or so prior to pregnancy.
“Not a question, but I started a blog and would love if you would do a blog course!” It’s happening!! Tula Boutique and I have finished recording and our goal is to launch in May!
“What LV wallet do you use? Looking for more of a compact style!” Victorine wallet! I love it and it fits a lot since it’s a compact envelope style. It’s often out of stock online but I kept the page open on my browser and would refresh as often as I thought about it to see if it was restocked. Same way I got my Pochette Metis! You can check your local LV store or second hand sites like fashionphile, farfetched, eBay, or stockx!
“Best slip on sneakers for spring?” These Vans slip ons are my favorite! They come in more colors/patterns/prints, but this checkerboard style goes with almost everything. True to size.
“Do you have any tattoos?” Just a simple dove on the back of my hip. I got it when I was 19 and just wanted a tattoo – no significance. 😆
“How are you dealing with pregnancy acne? It’s the WORST!” It’s terrible, isn’t it? I did try this serum that says it’s pregnancy safe on their website so I gave it a try. My skin purged like crazy for about 2 weeks and I know that can happen, so I kept up with it and then it finally cleared up. I’m still getting little spots of acne here and there but it’s so much better!
“What is your favorite pedicure place around Maple Grove, MN?” Luxer Nails! Same strip mall that Crisp & Green is in. Have yet to find somewhere I like better in the area.
“Are you and Tom Gopher fans or fans of another team?” We are team Huskies and Sioux! I guess now referred to as Fighting Hawks. I graduated from St. Cloud State and Tom gradated from University of North Dakota but grew up going to Husky hockey games so he’s a fan of both.
“Favorite esthetician at Face Foundrie?” I’ve seen a few at the Maple Grove location and they’ve all been awesome but Maggie might have been my favorite! Laura at the Edina location too, she’s also one of my girlfriends!
“Did you and Tom live together before you got married?” We did. We had an apartment with a mutual friend (her and I were both finishing our bachelor’s in elementary education and student teach in urban MPLS) in 2013. Tom had just gotten his first job out of college in the cities and it just made sense for us. We got our own apartment after that lease was up and I graduated. We bought our first house in May of 2015 and married that September!
“Do you ever wish you lived closer to the cities?” We lived in the cities when we were younger and kid-less. Now that we have babies we are 10000% happy with living in the quieter and less busy suburbs. I really do not like driving downtown especially because of the parking, one way streets, and lots of pedestrians. We are still close enough where it’s not really much of a hike to get there and we honestly rarely go…especially these days.
“What is your favorite local radio station/personality?” Something you may not know about me is that I do not like talk radio. I am subscribed to Sirius XM so I can avoid the talking/commercials lol. Tom on the other hand is obsessed with KFAN sports talk radio. I’m not big on podcasts either but there are some I’ll occasionally listen to.. mostly celeb gossip 😂 (some honorable mentions – Off the Vine, The Skinny Confidential, Not Skinny But Not Fat, and Comments by Celebs).
“Color of your new basement wall – is it grey or green?” Sherwin Williams Peppercorn!